Summer 2019 Project Update
Monument signs, LED message boards, custom logo signs, there’s so much to catch you up on at Electremedia! We’re just going to go down through the projects and update you on the kind of work we’ve been doing recently. We hope you enjoy checking things out!
Here is a channel letter sign we did for Pan-Op, an oilfield services company. Their logo had a unique octagonal shape that translated nicely into illuminated channel lettering.
This 50″ wide version of the sign is small but is packed with features, from having channel letters with illuminated faces, that are also halo illuminated and floating over a small metal background field. This is a design usually used for signs 3xs the size, but this mini version turned out super cool!
Crystal on the Ridge in Telluride!

Similar in design to the Pan-Op project, Crystal on the Ridge employs one of our more popular designs: using halo illuminated reverse channel letters on a complimentary colored light-diffusing metal field (background) to create optimum glow effects for dimensional lettering and logos.
You can reach us by phone at (405) 471-4299, or by requesting a free quote using our Quote Request Form. You can view our gallery of designs and finished sign projects, and find us on Facebook at, or via Twitter @Electremedia. Our sister site,, has additional project and design examples.
We hope to hear from you soon!